It all starts with a mission….

Ridge Fridge Grocer & Grange

Telling the story of a grass-roots initiative to bring sustainable and local grown food to the Illinois Valley.


The cooperative is a member-owned grocery store and is one year into their grass-roots effort of providing locally grown food that uses sustainable and organic practices. This up and coming food cooperative in the middle of a rural food desert was in need of multiple assets to help define their brand and voice.


A new food cooperative needs to get the word out about their mission, but doesn’t have a defined brand or voice.


Several meetings with stakeholders were held in order to understand the vision and the mission of Ridge Fridge Grocer and Grange. Research was completed by reviewing competitor brand identities. The logo, color pallet, and fonts were derived first, as they set the tone for the rest of the branding guide and assets. This piece went through several iterations at first with a small committee and then with a final approval by the board as a whole.


The Branding Guide for Ridge Fridge was developed with the Mission and Core values being locked in first. Once we knew the “why” we were able to create a vision for where Ridge Fridge was heading.

As a result, Ridge Fridge Grocer and Grange was able to begin spreading the word about providing locally grown, organic foods to the people of the Illinois Valley.

A website is currently under production, but progress can be viewed by clicking our button.


Nooks & Crannies